Student Leadership

All students are given opportunities to be active members of the school community where they get to carry out a range of roles; from Whanau Leader to Peer Mediators, compost and chicken monitors to librarians.

Being a small school, we rely on all members chipping in and contributing.

Whanau Leaders:

Matariki (Lion): Ella and Tilly

Manaia: Tim, Nina and Poppy

Reotahi: Gemma and Eli

Kauri: Juniper, Shai and Arlo

Class Councillors:

Our Class Councillors meet regularly with the Principal and other staff to share student’s ideas and make decisions on things that affect the school, classes and children. Recently, they have collaborated on the school Wellbeing model, garnishing ideas for Passion Time, and helping to plan movie night.

Kareareā = 

Kōtare = 

Kororā = 

Ruru = 

Tui = 


Our school librarians give up their break times to help out in the library. As it is a community library also, they often help community members that come to issue books. These librarians are good at keeping the library tidy and organised. Each year our most responsible and diligent librarians are selected as part of the Whangarei ‘Golden Librarians’ treat.

Peer Mediators: 

We are fortunate to have a large number of our senior students (Y5-8) willing to step up and be Cool School Peer Mediators. They get training from teachers through the Peace Foundation’s Cool Schools Programme and supported to help resolve conflict between students around the school. They are such positive role models to have in our school.

This year, our Kareare students are out on Duty alongside the Duty Teachers, helping with minor problems in the playgroung and running games and sports. 

Enviro Group:


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