Principal’s Welcome

Principal’s Welcome


Tēnā tātou 

Kō Tokatoka te maunga 

Kō Northern Wairoa te awa 

No Dargaville ahau 

Kei te Reotahi taku kainga 

Kō Aborigine te tangata 

Kō Taungurung te hapu 

Kō Aaron toku tāne

Kō Caitlin rāua kō Helena oku tamāhine 

Kō Kelly taku ingoa 

Noreira Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou tēnā koutou katoa 


It is a privilege to be the Tumuaki of such a lovely and welcoming school and community.  I have been part of the team here at Whangārei Heads since the beginning of Term 2022, and have loved every minute of getting to know the children, staff, whanau and wider community. 

We are very proud of the beautiful location for our school, set amongst the native bush at the foot of Mount Manaia, and overlooking the Whangārei Harbour, with Ocean Beach a short drive away. Our Green-Gold Enviro School status demonstrates our commitment towards Kaitiakitanga and we value working with our local community groups such as Bream Head Conservation Trust, Backyard Kiwi, Predator Free 2050.

As part of our strategic plan we are reviewing and reforming our localised curriculum to ensure that we are not only using the rich environment as a learning experience but that our practices align to that of the 21st Century classroom and NZ Curriculum Refresh.

Our children enjoy a rich balanced curriculum, with experiences that go beyond literacy and numeracy. They love to climb trees, build huts and play in our school native bush area Fern Valley. They are fiercely competitive in sporting activities and enjoy representing our school at E-Pro 8, Chess tournaments, Aims Games. We grow leaders through the Tuakana / Teina approach.  Our Year 7 and 8 students hold a special place in the school; as role models.  They take on many different leadership roles; whanau leaders, peer mediators, librarians to name a few. 

Our values are designed to support ākonga to be wonderful future citizens who are able to demonstrate kindness, creativity, resilience and have a sense of belonging. 

This whakatauki seems to sum up what we believe here at Whangārei Heads School:

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakemua 

If we take care of the earth and take care of people, we will take care of the future


Kelly Mercer


Whangārei Heads School 

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